The Intentional Love Workshops

You will be mastering the art of meeting your perfect partner through


Ladies, you are on my mind and in my heart as I schedule the workshop events and coaching sessions for this upcoming Summer and Autumn, 2024. We will be meeting in person in Nevada City, Grass Valley and potentially in Truckee, California. It is such a treat to meet face to face, and there is so much more juice in these “up close and personal” group experiences, where our laughter, joy and tears as well, can be felt more so than on Zoom.

Ladies, you are on my mind and heart. . .

. . . as I schedule the workshop events and coaching sessions for this upcoming Summer and Autumn, 2024. We will be meeting in person in Nevada City, Grass Valley and potentially in Truckee, California. It is such a treat to meet face to face, and there is so much more juice in these "up close and personal" group experiences, where our laughter, joy and tears as well, can be felt more so than on Zoom.

The Intentional Love One Day Workshop

During this creative experience you will have a full day for discovery, and creating your next relationship. Through a fun, unique and systematic approach, you will clearly define what your needs are. While fully embodying this intention, focus can then do its powerful magic. We will include a relaxing, empowering journey, through guided imagery, easing you into an Alpha state.  The last part of the day will include a 30 minute breath session, using circular breath, bringing you to a deep sense of peace. . . this session will help to establish a stronger belief in your own power to create the love you truly want!

During the Day Long Workshop

This 60 minute session takes a common sense yet magical approach to meeting a new partner, incorporating the unique format of the Intentional Love program. For this one to one mentoring, you will receive a similar experience that is presented in the One Day Workshop Experience, without the breath session or the guided journeying included.

For more information and to book a discovery call, click the button below. 

Weekend retreats will be scheduled for spring of 2025 and will be held in person.

More information to come…